presents Men In Black


Men in Black Agent Kevin Brown, also known as Kay helps bring justice to the Earth when aliens try to attack. Tommy Lee Jones in the Men in Black trilogy portrays Agent K who is a top agent and part founder of the secret organization, which came together in the mid ‘50s and early ‘60s. […]

Men in Black Agent Kevin Brown, also known as Kay helps bring justice to the Earth when aliens try to attack. Tommy Lee Jones in the Men in Black trilogy portrays Agent K who is a top agent and part founder of the secret organization, which came together in the mid ‘50s and early ‘60s. It wasn’t until March 2, 1961 that contact was made outside of New York City. After this, Kay became fully devoted to his work and became highly respectable after being a part of the development for nearly 40 years. Apparently, Men in Black Agent Kay made partner with an agent named Alpha who later went rogue after stealing a Cosmic Integrator, which allows humans to combine body parts with aliens. Alpha did just this before trying to destroy the Men in Black Corporation while taking off and leaving Kay to fight for himself. At some point, he was made partner with agent with another founder, Dee. During the ‘60s, his future partner J, came to the past and the duo would team up to defeat Boris so Kay would be able to live and Earth would once again be saved.